Monday, November 9, 2020

Increasing Your Chance

6/58:         NO WINNER
DATE:       NOV.8,2020
RESULT:  5-33-34-35-36-42

6/49:         NO WINNER
DATE:       NOV.8,2020
RESULT:  4-5-11-14-41-44

Draw Date 11/9/20 
Estimated Jackpot Prize P30M

Draw Date 11/9/20 
Estimated Jackpot Prize P78M

Draw Date 11/10/20 
Estimated Jackpot Prize P61M

Draw Date 11/10/20 
Estimated Jackpot Prize P179M

Draw Date 11/10/20 
Estimated Jackpot Prize P8M

Increasing Your Chance

Winning the lotto jackpot would be a dream come true, wouldn't it? But it's so hard to do so. 

The odds are just not very good. Some people claim that there are hundreds of strategies that could help you win. 

Is this true? Is there really a strategy?

The good news is that there is a strategy. It's actually very simple - Buy more tickets. 

Everybody knows that buying more tickets increases your chances of winning. 

See, lotto are almost purely random and that means that nobody can develop strategies to beat them. 

You can't predict random events and lotto are no different.

So, the only way to better your odds is to buy more tickets.

Sure, but buying too many lotto tickets is not that smart.

But that's the only strategy to win the jackpot.

But it just cost more.

Believe you can win and you're half way there.

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